Thursday, 29 September 2011


Last night loveone in Ipswich had a relaunch night, and my owls had their first outing! Here are a few snaps of the event.

Sunday, 25 September 2011

2 down, 2 to go...

Here is my second cross stitch, only 2 more to go! I'm looking forward to having them all up on my wall, just got to wait little while longer. When I was designing this I didn't think that the writing resembled that of early computer writing, until someone pointed it out! After doing the word 'better' in green I decided to play on this idea and have a dark grey background.
I am now on the hunt for some good frames!

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Owls for sale!

My lovely little owls are now for sale on etsy! Please take a look here
Above is one of the owls now looking for a new home!

I also make owls to order in a whole variety of colours so please message me if your interested.

Sunday, 11 September 2011


I have branched out into other winged creatures and have made this little chap. He now has his own place on my ever filling bookcase.

Friday, 2 September 2011

1 down, 3 to go...

Between my bird making, I have been learning to cross stitch. The four words I have stitched will eventually each be framed and displayed together on my kitchen wall. Here is word 1 of 4!