Monday, 29 August 2011


Here are three more of my baby owls that will be looking for a new nest soon.  

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Vinyl lion

I was recently lucky enough to go and photograph my good friend and amazing artist and illustrator Lucy Selina Hall as she put up her latest creation at Bodicas Gallery in Ipswich. Here are a few photos of her window display coming together.
Check out Lucy's website at and her blog at

Mama and baby

Here are a couple of photos of my baby owls with their mamas! More pictures of the babies coming soon.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Owls looking for a new home

I am very excited to say that my lovely little owls will be looking for a new home mid september and will be for sale at loveone on St Nicholas Street. Here are a few photos of the owls I have made so far. I am currently in the process of making baby owls!